четвер, 6 березня 2014 р.

That really is a fungal infection of the nails?

Fungal infection of the nails can be easily transmitted from person to person. The most dangerous places contamination – bath, pool, gyms and sports halls. Now, however, there are a number of antifungal and folk remedies to help you cope with the fungus and improve the state of the nail.
Onychomycosis (nail fungus) is quite tenacious infection, and if its not treat, with time it passes the entire nail. Destroys the nail and transferred to other nails and skin. Even cure fungal infection lesions, it can again go with preserved contamination on adjacent nails. Fungi are very enduring, they can live for months in those who have fallen away skin scales.
Very easy to determine fungus nail on the external features: change the thickness and color (white, yellow, brown, grey) nails, they begin to break down and crumble. Fungi are located between the nail plate, and therefore nail lose their original transparency.
Increases with time keratinization of the nail bed, nail thickens. Eventually Horny masses are increasing, and the nail becomes even thicker, making it difficult for effective treatment. Therefore, you need time to see a specialist.
The fungus penetrates into the depths of the nail and try to find a place where you can arrange all the fungal colony. The most appropriate place between ledge nail and the nail plate, as there may be a gap (very favorable place for the existence of fungi) as a result of minor injuries nail. Fungus and can stratify the nail plate, which is developing thickening.
In the middle of the last century were not able to effectively cure fungus, nail just removed surgically. But this did not help, as the new nail grew already fungus. Today nail removal is never practiced.
There are a lot of folk methods to control fungal infection of the nail, here’s one of them:
Mix one teaspoon of dimethyl phthalate + one raw egg + 1 tbsp. oil. Get some ointment to RUB on the night in the nail, from top to wear a plastic bag and socks (if the fungus on hands, gloves). However, this tool has been as effective as modern antifungal agents.
However, there are factors affecting the development of the fungus. The same fungus some people may cause illness, others can’t, due to the susceptibility to fungal flora. Thus, development of the disease depends mainly on the state of the organism. Most of the people around us are pathogenic fungi, and one hit the organism is not enough for the development of infection.
The most prone to diseases fungal infection older people. And the woman during pregnancy and after childbirth, as during this period the immunity especially weakened because of the sleepless nights and heavy bleeding during delivery.
To prevent fungal diseases, use individual shoes when visiting a sauna, a Solarium and a swimming pool. Do not use other people’s things manicure and pedicure. However, when the disease is very important to timely and effective treatment fungus nail. And radical treatment of all family members. Remember, the sooner you begin treatment, the it will be more effective and less costly.

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