Acupuncture has been used by man as a method of influence on certain energy band responsible for certain organ. Needle entered in these zones, help positively influence physiological processes of the body.
Acupuncture slimming among those who wished to change their shape gained great popularity. Using methods of the direction of Chinese medicine body metabolism and eliminate excessive human craving food. Losing weight with this method is smooth, without harm to the body and new principles of nutrition in human subconsciousness are fixed for a long time.
Acupuncture slimming among those who wished to change their shape gained great popularity. Using methods of the direction of Chinese medicine body metabolism and eliminate excessive human craving food. Losing weight with this method is smooth, without harm to the body and new principles of nutrition in human subconsciousness are fixed for a long time.
Many people choose this way slimming due to the absence of bans on certain products – you can eat what I want, only to eat a lot you don’t want to. The feeling of hunger will come only when the organism will need food.
Improves digestion and accelerates metabolism in the body lead to intensive spending fat accumulated earlier. Using acupuncture for weight loss, you can even improve your health – regulate your hormones, improve immunity, normalize psyche, improve skin condition.
Specialist in the field of acupuncture when choosing a method and impact points take into account the condition of each patient individually. Point of impact can be located on the ear, legs, or abdomen. Exposure time – 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Popular with those wishing to lose weight the method of «Golden needle Mukhina» – needle, executed in the form of decorative earrings worn in the ear for half a year. If necessary, get rid from more weight on her left even a year. Insert into the ear of such earring should only an experienced specialist and the patient with such medical earring should be under the supervision of a physician.
The method of acupuncture is very effective in losing weight, however, if after the end of the session you will go back to your past habits in diet and lifestyle, the entire result can wither.
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