пʼятниця, 7 березня 2014 р.

Why the need for magnesium in the body?

The most common method of solving health problems is the elimination of specific symptoms without identifying the causes of which may be an imbalance of some microelements, or in their supply. Currently about 80 % of the Russian population are familiar with the feeling of chronic stress and symptoms such as irritability, cardiac rhythm disorders, digestive problems, and other
Chronic stress is the perfect breeding ground for the emergence of inflammatory, cardiovascular disease, early aging of the organism, peptic ulcer disease, as well as the occurrence of benign and malignant neoplasms. In a state of stress, magnesium in the body is able to decrease to a critical level. Further compounding the situation in insufficient dietary intake.
Magnesium salts are classified as regulators of the nervous system. The flaw in them leads to increased excitability and violate muscle contraction.
With the participation of magnesium salts occurs fosforno-calzievy exchange required for bone tissue. With its deficit disrupted the formation of bones and teeth.
Magnesium has sossoudorasshiratm and antispasmodic action. Lack of it leads to violation of the cardiovascular system and raise blood pressure.
Magnesium in the body stimulates intestinal peristalsis. Magnesium deficiency decreases the activity of enzymes and digestive system. The main need in magnesium salts are compensated at the expense of bread and cereals. It is included in all plants, but the highest concentration in cereals, legumes, forest nuts, almonds, oat flakes and buckwheat.
In the presence of stress factors must additionally supply of magnesium in the body in the form of medication. In sufficient quantity in the body gives stress, despite the reduction of magnesium from the influence of stresses.
It should be noted that the optimal absorption magnesium occurs in combination with vitamin B6, so it is reasonable to take a combination of drugs magnesium, and food combine products containing magnesium and vitamin B6 is cottage cheese, oatmeal and buckwheat cereals, wholemeal bread, soy.

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