Lose weight while applying for this a minimum of effort is a dream of each woman, which on the eve of the summer season or next celebration meticulously look at his own reflection in the mirror. Less-active lifestyle, love of sweets, flour, fat baneful influence on our body. One of the effective ways to lose weight is to go on a diet. And one of the most effective diets – diet-cosmonauts.
Principle of action diet astronauts is that the body gets only proteins, to assimilate which to spend a lot of energy. As a result of weight decreases quickly without much effort on your part.
Principle of action diet astronauts is that the body gets only proteins, to assimilate which to spend a lot of energy. As a result of weight decreases quickly without much effort on your part.
Lasts diet 20 days during which a person loses about 20 kg. This is a big burden on the body, therefore, suffer the diet astronauts should only if you are absolutely healthy.
Menu diet astronauts very simple and repeated over 20 days. Breakfast consists of a glass of kefir or a Cup of coffee, a single egg (boiled or roasted without oil). For lunch you can eat half a boiled chicken without the skin and wash it down with 500 ml of broth in which it is boiled shall (a half chicken is the maximum size, you can reduce it). Afternoon tea consists of a glass of kefir or a Cup of coffee, dinner – from 200 g low-fat cottage cheese or a glass of kefir.
Protein diet involves complete exclusion from the menu fiber. Add sugar, salt and spices impossible. In addition to yogurt and coffee you can drink the water without gas in unlimited quantities. If you are going to follow a diet all 20 days, it is worth to start taking vitamins, because such a meager diet will not be able to provide the body with all needed nutrients. Physical load during the diet should be excluded.
Stick to the diet astronauts must be not more than 20 days (can be less, but the effect will then not as noticeable) and not more than once a year. Output from the diet astronauts must be gradual. Enter in the diet products gradually, as the body had to wean from cellulose, fat and carbohydrates. Fatty, sharp, fried, smoked foods do not eat even a few weeks after the release of the diet.
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