середа, 12 березня 2014 р.

Music therapy as a form of art therapy

Currently therapy with the use of various types of art is a trend of modern psychotherapy. It’s not so much how many treatments development harmonization of personality and creativity, promoting the solution of many problems. Through artistic creation uses natural method development and healing of the soul.
If we talk about the physiological component, all music consists of rhythm. Brain zone human regulate biological rhythms, because the area of the brain affected musical rhythms. They are synchronized or activate.
For example, for a fitness hall energetic music will be very appropriate, under it we are actively moving. And here in the restaurant or while looking at the paintings while art exhibition, ideal relaxing smooth music. I.e. body a man working in a state reading rhythms, adapts to the rhythmic organization.
Mechanisms of action are divided into physiological, when the work of the brain is activated and psychological when the music calls emotions and something does to a man.
Art therapy does not use only one specific kind of art. Music therapy can be one of its kinds. Therapy can be both active and passive. If the listening of musical works, it is passive therapy. If a person is involved in the writing of music, it means the active therapy.
Moreover, musical therapy is not about creating the whole work may be, just more work. Treatment of the ears, to create anything we build – this is what music therapy.
Still, none of the scientists was not opposed to music therapy. On the basis of the data of neuropsychology, physiology, activating impact rhythms researchers are only «for».
In the treatment of children with autism, who are immersed in themselves and have no interest of the outside world, music therapy is very good helps. The fact is that for these children need funds, causing emotions, because the main problem is not in the processing of information, and the small volume of use of information from outside. These children do not go to contacts even with their own parents, people for them traumatic link.
Do not hurt the baby dolphins, horses and music, which favors the contact of the child with a man. Music therapy helps children engage in interaction with others, here the child perceives adult not as an object, and as a subject.
Also, mechanisms of action is used in other forms of therapeutic action, for example, family therapy. In this case, the music therapy is used as an exercise for the creation of joint activity, having set the task before the spouses find liked both a piece of music.
Researchers claim that if you listen to classical music for 10 minutes, then indicators of the brain are elevated. Classical works it may be music of Mozart, Chopin, Tchaikovsky.

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