середа, 12 березня 2014 р.

How much sugar you eat

Not so easy to keep track of your health and eat healthy. Increasingly in conventional products hide harmful substances or additives. For example, sugar can be found even in the sausage! In this regard, a question arises as to how much sugar you eat person, for instance, in the day? Let’s deal.
The scientists concluded that a daily norm sugar should not exceed 10% of calories total daily diet. If in grams, it turns out, men of the day should eat no more than 60 g, and women no more than 50 grams of pure sugar (meaning Mature middle-aged people, physically active). That is, it must take into account not only the sugar, pour in hot drinks, but all of the sugar contained in other products. Therefore, nutritionists recommend drinking sweet tea with sweets or cakes. And so fizzy drinks and does should be banned, because they contains about 40 grams of sugar. It is obvious that the rate of consumption of sugar should be reduced for the elderly and children.
Opinions on what can be replaced sugar diverge. Someone stands up for use sugar substitutes. However, recent studies have shown that sweeteners may cause the increase in weight, because they are very high in calories.
Someone offers to get the sugar only from natural sources: fructose found in fruits and honey, maltose in germinated grains, glucose, honey, fruits and vegetables. However, eating such products it is absolutely impossible to control the amount of the sugar, which is not always acceptable.
A reasonable solution seems to compliance with principles the Golden mean: in the measure, without excesses, not depriving yourself of pleasure from sweet, but not going to move beyond the norm.

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