вівторок, 11 березня 2014 р.

Diet for those over 30

So, 30-year milestone is passed. And you often notice that it became more difficult to maintain the old forms, the lightness and elegance of somewhere to go. You are trying to keep to a diet, starve and try to exercise, but…that was five years ago, is hard, and sometimes does not give a result. And lose weight gradually begins to accumulate. What to do?
This is largely explained by the fact that after 30 years in women significantly slows down the metabolism. And life is already well established… work – home – Work… You have not react as before, and can’t afford to dance till the morning, in the morning we have to get ready for work, prepare Breakfast for her husband and baby. The energy you want less, and eat you as accustomed. Well, it’s time to rethink your approach to nutrition. Work out for themselves a simple diet and follow them.
Your Breakfast should be protein and fiber. They awaken body give him strength and energy for the start of the workday. Perfect English Breakfast. Oatmeal, sir! And boiled egg or omelette. This is sufficient. If oatmeal or other meals not evoke pleasant feelings in the morning replace bread, toast or crackers. Add to the toasts a bit of jam or marmalade and you’re ready to labour feats.
For dinner you’re hungry, and you need to recharge your batteries so that it will last till the evening. Ideal – pasta products. Slow carbohydrates will gradually burn in the body, and give you the necessary strength. Just don’t add to pasta animal protein. No cutlets, sausages or chops. It is better to add green and colorful vegetables: broccoli, tomatoes, sweet pepper.
Midnight snack. Hard to part with the usual buns, but it should be done. Replace the five-hour tea and a bun or chocolate yoghurt with low content of sugar and fats.
We all know what is good not to eat after 18-00. However, few people can afford it. Because you often come home much later, and still have cook dinner, check the lessons the children, to cope with household cares. It’s time for chicken breast, boiled or baked on a grill. Maybe steak red fish? These low calorie products will provide you with all the necessary hardware and easily digestible protein. Garnish in no case potatoes. Add a serving of steamed or boiled vegetables. And if your stomach is not against, you can prepare a salad of fresh vegetables.
Try to reduce salt intake and canned products. Exclude from your diet mayonnaise. If this is not possible, cook it yourself. Try to fill salads with olive oil or soy sauce.
Increase your consumption of ordinary drinking water.
And, finally, if the night hunger Wake you, propitiate his glass of kefir or an Apple.
Adapt their diet to their age, and everything will be okay.

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