пʼятниця, 7 березня 2014 р.

Effect of mud on the body of a woman

Since ancient times to this day known therapeutic effect muds on the organism of the man. Some of its species (silt mud) accumulate its composition and healing properties for centuries.
Mineral, gas and colloidal components provide the dirt and moisture-locking thermal capacity. Peat mud builds up on the marshy places, due to continuous decomposition of the dried particles plants without access of oxygen. The better the process of decomposition, the best quality is of this dirt. Sapropelic dirt accumulates on the bottom of the tundra ponds with fresh water, with the participation of plant and animal precipitation.
Mud treatment has a positive effect through the nerve receptors of the skin. The main range of application of mud cure is a bone and joints problems, however, not less favorable effect of mud at the body women have a local procedure in the form of attachment to the sore spots in inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs, some forms of sterility, disorders of menstruation and urogenital diseases.
- Thermal action. Unlike water baths, mud allow to tolerate higher temperatures (up to 48ºС), which can raise the temperature of the body, changing course of physiological processes.
- Mechanical action. Due to the dense mass clay provides massages effect that acting on the surface capillaries in the skin, stimulates blood circulation and work of the cardiovascular system. This bath can be taken only when you have a healthy heart.
- Chemical action. Gas composition contributes to better absorption through the skin surface mineral substances.
- Biological action. In the composition of the mud is a substance which by its action and properties similar to the hormone sexual glands type follikulina. It is this substance has a positive effect of mud at the woman’s body and the function of sexual glands.
Mud relates to strong physical therapy exercise, so have a number of contraindications and very often used in the form of local treatment (attachment to a particular part of the body) than the General (baths).

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