It turns out, popular diets more or less help units, and for everyone else they become worse diets, the consequences of which may be hazardous to health. People often want to choose “quick diet”, – so that more pounds, went for a smaller period of time. Did severely limit. But what it can threaten…
Monokomponentne diets involve the use of only one product. Eat only chocolate, or some grapefruit, or a solid cabbage – and enjoy fast effect! A lot of you still do not eat it, but pleasant emotions from acquisitions favorite meal is provided to you. Only here one product will never give daily norms of nutrients. The body needs a balanced number of protein – 1 g per 1 kg of body weight, carbohydrates – 1-2 grams per kg… Even animal fats, including cholesterol, which we are, are essential for normal metabolism. Besides, by the end of the period of fasting chances to break away and get better, “back”.
Trennkost (separation food diet is based on the premise that protein digested separately from carbohydrates (protein in the acidic environment of the stomach, and carbohydrates in the alkaline environment of the small intestine) and at different times. Doctors frankly laugh over this theory: between the stomach and the small intestine is duodenum, which digests food pieces (fats – by the enzyme lipase, proteins by trypsin, and carbohydrates – with the help of amylase) without grouping and deposits of “toxins”. And the rigid division deprives the enzymatic system of the digestive tract necessary load.
Original diet attention drawn to its unusual and sometimes even exotic. They say that with the help of such is the strange and confusing system are sure to succeed! As it is not. Diet for baby food system slimming with the help of special chewing of food, etc. seem to be cranky bored women. Their effectiveness was not yet proven! And is inconvenient such…
According blood group diet, foods are divided into beneficial, neutral or harmful to the human body, depending on the group, its blood. Because different blood groups humanity has appeared not at once, but in connection with the development of people and change of their occupation. Accordingly changed and power, so that the owners of «ancient» the first group is suitable meat diet for the second preferable to a vegetarian diet, representatives of the third group are omnivorous, but to those who are the youngest, the fourth group of blood, must have the “exotic” – seafood, tofu, seaweed. However, and this diet doctors rejected: nobody found that between blood groups and type of power there is a connection. Outraged and psychologists: because if, for example, a woman with the second group of blood loves meat dishes but suddenly starts to shove in itself “vegetation”, stress is not only not give her lose weight and lead organism to diseases. Yes and in General in a life to follow this diet troublesome: well, for all family members and friends to cook different dishes?
Kremlin diet is one of the many low carbohydrate diets that under different names attract a lot of people in different countries. This diet пртиворечива. Her supporters can have even known “harmful” products and to drink their strong alcohol drinks. Chief ban – generally no carbohydrates. However, this approach violates the metabolism! Carbohydrates are important for a full breakdown of fat, or fat will release toxins. And Kremlin diet is fraught with deterioration of the stomach and the formation of kidney stones, – and suddenly arising crazy need to “eat off” sweets (nature takes its).
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