пʼятниця, 7 березня 2014 р.

How to choose a diet against depression

Often during a depression, a person loses not only the desire to live and enjoy the surrounding world, but also appetite. However, if he is determined to stop depression and makes this all possible, he must think about a diet. It plays a role in alleviating depression.
Nutritionists recommend to include in the diet of people who were in dejection and melancholy, products rich in vitamins b and E, as well as containing folic acid, tryptophan and selenium, which are antidepressant agents.
Emotional background, according to nutritionists, stabilize the following products:
- poultry meat, beef liver;
seafood and fish (mainly trout, tuna, sardines and mackerel);
- eggs;
- sour-milk products and milk;
- vegetables. Especially green asparagus, celery, peas, onion pen), and the red and orange (tomatoes, carrots, beets, peppers);
- fruit (all citrus fruits, bananas and kiwi) and fruit (grapes, cranberries, black currant);
- legumes (lentils, beans);
- nuts, wheat bran;
- spices (Basil, tarragon, rosemary);
- dark (dark) chocolate;
- herbal tea brewed with boiling water mint, St. John’s wort, origanum, plantain, dog-rose).
And here is the list of products prohibited to use in the period of depression:
- any alcoholic drinks;
white bread (including muffins and pies);
- carbonated soft drinks and coffee
- any greasy food (sandwiches with sausage, butter; soups, burgers, kebabs and goulash, pork, rice etc).
Diet, proposed by nutritionists people suffering from depression, is for 5-7 days. Approximate menu on the day that is.
First Breakfast: one egg hard-boiled or soft-boiled loaf with solid types of cheese and parsley, hot tea with 30 g of chocolate.
Second Breakfast: tangerines, and kiwi fruit with yogurt with the addition of grated nuts.
Lunch: salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with cheese, dressed with vegetable oil, baked Turkey with vegetables, bananas in whipped cream.
Afternoon snack: 1 glass of mint tea with black currant jam.
Dinner: salad of asparagus and beans, dressed with vegetable oil or sour cream, baked with cheese trout, hot chocolate, cake or sweet the pie.
Before bed: 1 Cup of tea from St John’s wort and mint.
Why not in a depression, alcohol and coffee? The fact is that these drinks provoke an almost immediate release of serotonin in the brain substance, called by the scientists «the secret of happiness.» Namely, serotonin missing person during the depression, and, apparently, he needs his supplying it in any way. It turns out, do not and is not any. Because leap release then falling sharply, and a man needs a new portion. Addiction can occur quickly and quietly. Thus, the depression can be smoothly go on a drinking bout, or start consuming coffee dal. But there comes a moment when of serotonin to stop spilling under the influence of these stimulants, requiring new and more powerful. So artificial challenge of serotonin in the brain, not with depression cope. That’s why doctors seriously warn about the danger of the use of these drinks.

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