Slim graceful figure – the main dream of millions of women. For the sake of it they are ready for any sacrifice, including the most rigid diets, and surgical operations. And still the ideal is often unattainable, because so hard dropped weight instantly back, but still bring with them additional weight. Is it possible in General to achieve harmony for a long time? In fact on a strict diet of life, not going to set in. Yes, you can if you stop fighting with your body and make him an ally in the struggle for weight loss.
In other words lose weight have good-naturedly, not trying to suppress natural desires and inclinations. Today’s Internet and women’s magazines are just full of all sorts of diets and tips for effective weight loss. Unfortunately, the reality is that diet can only help lose weight fast for a short period, after which he immediately returns back. And the difference in life are hungry for periods of binge eating are very bad effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and organism in the whole. Besides sudden weight spoils the skin, leaving it ugly stretch marks and wrinkles. Therefore, slimming, to be reliable and stable, must first be slow. The loss of two to three kilograms per month – this is a wonderful result, which gives time for the body to adapt to the new conditions.
Before you begin the process of slimming and you must prepare. Preparation is the establishment of an appropriate psychological attitude and developing the programme of action. And we must start with a properly set goals. In most cases, intending to go on a diet, the women put to «lose weight», «lose weight», «something by all volumes.» But all these goals are bad its uncertainty. For the human psyche, the statement «I want to lose weight» would imply that the reduction in weight 200 grams already achieved results. The second error is the absence of clearly defined terms: «I want to lose weight… when?». Therefore, starting up the programme of achievement of harmony, first of all, add the following paragraphs:
1) why do we need harmony (with a clear showing the available bonuses);
2) what should be achieved results (how many kilograms-inches should leave);
3) what are the terms stated for achievement of the tasks.
It is important to consider that all targets and deadlines should be realistically achievable. That is, it is useless to set a goal get rid from 10 kg in the coming week.
Really good result in weight loss can only provide reasonable combination of a balanced diet with exercise. Therefore, when writing a program, initially put in a certain number of hours per week for exercise. Moreover, under the physical load is understood not only classes in fitness clubs under the guidance of a coach. If you can’t attend the training, perfectly suited for walking street Hiking, Biking and rollerblading, home gym.
As a system of power in no case can not be based on any fashionable diet. It is absolutely useless, because all diets are designed for a short term. Moreover, they are not able to provide the body with all necessary nutrients. The best option would be to visit a good nutritionist and drawing up of the individual program of nutrition under his leadership. If the opportunity to consult with a physician there is no need to elaborate a system of balanced nutrition on their own. But it must be that power, not nutritional starvation of a fashion magazine.
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