четвер, 6 березня 2014 р.

The cleansing of the liver olive oil

On the second place of importance in our body is worth the liver. It is a filter for our blood. Pure blood is a guarantee of health, vigor and vitality. So for us it is very important that our liver was healthy.
Before you start cleaning the liver, it should be clear thick intestines. If your colon is clogged slags, then begin interruptions in the work of all organs of the body.
To clean liver olive oil should be periodically, but you need to know some rules of thumb:
1. The colon should be before cleaning the liver is exempt from constipation, cholesterol tubes and feces stones. All this should go through the anus, to intoxication.
2. Liver before cleaning the need to «prepare» a vegetarian diet, that is, the food should consist of vegetables and fruits. Gives good results urine therapy.
3. It is necessary to strictly observe the biological clock, best time to clean – this is the night.
5. When I started to cleaning, be sure that you can handle. Fear should not be before the procedure, or when it will come out toxins.
It is used for cleaning the liver olive oil and the juice of a lemon 200 g
1 day – an enema and all day drink Apple juice.
2 day – to repeat the same thing in 1 day.
3 day – to repeat the same thing, but the drink Apple juice and one in the afternoon. Then you should go to bed and on the region of the liver put a heating pad. Oil drink every 15 minutes and the juice 3 tbsp. two hours Later, the heater should be removed.
During the day there is an emission of toxins three times. The first release will happen in five hours, the second – eight and the third – ten hours from the moment of start cleaning the liver olive oil. After all emissions can be an enema. Breakfast should consist of cereal or fruit. Repeat enema must be done within 12 hours.
Another week power should consist of vegetables and fruits. Cleaning the liver is better to do once in a quarter, then once a year. For the prevention of stones useful in food add lemons. After this procedure, you will feel much better.

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