The benefits of days due to a physiological condition in which there is the organism in the period of partial or complete abstinence from food. In this period the restoration of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, save energy in the body, which is spent on restoring the affected tissues, organs and systems. There is a release from the cells of toxic substances and replacing them with necessary and useful for the activities of the cell substances. This is why fasting day brings a feeling of lightness in the body, and fresh appearance.
The best option for handling days is a 24 hour full or partial abstinence from food weekly. Such fasting days are considered as preventive and can significantly prolong youth and the life. Also fasting days are needed after the long holidays or after a busy culinary delights of the previous day. In addition to cleansing the body, they can get rid of the extra pounds.
If the fasting day is not compatible with the concept of «hunger», in this case are different diet, which bring great effect.
The diet allows you to lose weight urgently:
7.00 – juice of one lemon mixed with a glass of warm water.
8.00 – a glass of freshly-cooked carrot and Apple juice.
10.00 – drink small SIPS a glass of water and a Cup of tea of peppermint and chamomile.
12.00 – a glass of cold water and fresh grapefruit juice.
14.00 – a glass of warm water and tea from the grasses.
16.00 – a glass of water and fresh pineapple juice.
18.00 – a glass of water and tea from the grasses.
20.00 – glass two different incompatible with juices.
22.00 – repetition of starting the diet. Juice of one lemon mixed with a glass of warm water.
Such a tasty diet on the juice is able to deliver up to 2 kilograms weight, and fill the body useful substances, which were actively spent in fasting.
8.00 – a glass of freshly-cooked carrot and Apple juice.
10.00 – drink small SIPS a glass of water and a Cup of tea of peppermint and chamomile.
12.00 – a glass of cold water and fresh grapefruit juice.
14.00 – a glass of warm water and tea from the grasses.
16.00 – a glass of water and fresh pineapple juice.
18.00 – a glass of water and tea from the grasses.
20.00 – glass two different incompatible with juices.
22.00 – repetition of starting the diet. Juice of one lemon mixed with a glass of warm water.
Such a tasty diet on the juice is able to deliver up to 2 kilograms weight, and fill the body useful substances, which were actively spent in fasting.
• Fruit and vegetable diet:
Throughout the day, with the 7-hour intervals, are eaten raw vegetables or fruit one species 300g per one reception. Between meals should drink small SIPS of clean water (up to 3 liters a day).
This diet eliminates the extra pounds, at the expense of crude fiber cleanse the digestive tract and enriches body with vitamins and mineral salts.
Throughout the day, with the 7-hour intervals, are eaten raw vegetables or fruit one species 300g per one reception. Between meals should drink small SIPS of clean water (up to 3 liters a day).
This diet eliminates the extra pounds, at the expense of crude fiber cleanse the digestive tract and enriches body with vitamins and mineral salts.
• Lactic acid diet:
Used yogurt, buttermilk or yogurt. The volume of the product not more 600g for a day. Between meals, also need to drink enough clean water.
Diet using lactic acid products helps to restore the microflora of the intestines and improve its operations, which significantly improves the immune system.
Used yogurt, buttermilk or yogurt. The volume of the product not more 600g for a day. Between meals, also need to drink enough clean water.
Diet using lactic acid products helps to restore the microflora of the intestines and improve its operations, which significantly improves the immune system.
Any diet, if there are no contraindications, can in its own way to put in order the body. A necessary condition is regularity.
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