четвер, 6 березня 2014 р.

Beneficial effect cryosauna

The desire to be beautiful and attractive natural and understandable to all. But each person chooses their own individual way and programme to achieve this goal. As a rule, weight control occurs at the expense of long exhausting exercise, diet and beauty treatments.
Innovative technologies which are applied in the cryo-sauna, provide new opportunities in the methods of prevention and health promotion. Brief exposure to air jets of liquid nitrogen on the human body (duration of one session is just three minutes), capable to replace long training and starvation.
Experts note that the active processes in the body, which have been stimulated by low temperature (about -150 degrees) during the cryosauna, trigger the backup mechanisms of the immune system, speed up the metabolism, which helps with weight loss. A weight loss of five pounds is a good bonus for the course of ten procedures cryosauna.
Dermatologists note healing influence cryosauna on the human skin. Through the course of procedures cured allergic irritation, dermatitis and psoriasis. The General condition of skin improves by improving microcirculation and oxygen enrichment at the cellular level, there is a natural rejuvenation skin and internal organs of the body.
The rapid pace of life of modern people leads to stress, the accumulation of physical and psychological fatigue which requires discharge. A wonderful opportunity to get rid negativity, recharge energy and get a wonderful dream, provides cryosauna. The procedure is very unusual, good mood is guaranteed only by visiting its because studying the new always enriches a person new impressions, and, in the case cryosauna and new sensations. The excitement about the very low temperature in vain, comfort is ensured by the complete absence of moisture.
The influence of the cryosauna on the human organism positively. This is a good way of hardening of the body, the ability to maintain current physical shape and attractive appearance, constantly be in good shape and good mood. Cryosauna you can receive and children. Before the course of procedures, consult your doctor, who will determine the indications for the visit temperature mode, frequency and duration of sessions.

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