четвер, 6 березня 2014 р.

Shower sharko against cellulite

Charcot’s douche is a popular procedure which is offered in all sanatoriums and preventoriums of the Soviet time. In our days, shower sharko gained its second birth. Beauty industry took this technique adopted, including in the fight against cellulite.
Charcot’s douche is named after its Creator – French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot. This procedure is a shower with strong jets of water, under pressure submitted to the human body. The water goes from a distance of 3-5 meters, with alternating warm and cold. Previously, power shower was used mainly for the treatment of diseases of nervous system and relaxation. Now, in many centers and salons shop it is used for the treatment of cellulitis.
The charm of Charcot in that it is very effective and inexpensive. This procedure is not worse cosmetic procedures with prohibitive price and premium anti-cellulite creams. The sharko shower additionally relaxes and calms down, improves immunity.
Cellulite, as you know, the best fight through massage. Directed jet of water under high pressure pouring on problem areas are quite powerful massage. During the procedure, the water temperature is gradually reduced, thus increasing the pressure under which it serves. What kind of a massage can have the additional stimulation?
In the result, the blood circulation improves its flow to particular areas of the increases, the body leave toxins, fat smash currency substances normal. The result – «orange peel» gradually disappears, leather becomes more smooth and flat, weight is reduced.
However, to achieve a visible impact, shower sharko to do at least 2 times a week. The duration of each procedure takes about 10 minutes. Just need to take a course from 12-15 sessions.
Unfortunately, get rid cellulite through such pleasant and effective procedures, as shower sharko, not given to everyone. There are contra-indications: hypertension, human heartbeat rhythm, evident varicose veins.

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