четвер, 6 березня 2014 р.

Diet as a step towards depression

Side and, by the way, not so rare, the effect of a strict diet – depressive state. Losing recharge in a sweet and favorite dishes, the body starts to protest, and then shrugs and gives out a complete set – the Blues, no joy of life, the desire to do things etc.
Diet slimming can cause not only of chronic gastritis and other stomach problems – chronic depression also will not wait. Suffice it to recall about anorexia, rapid weight loss and a sharp reduction in quality of life. The woman sitting on the debilitating diets, begin to deprive yourself of not only food, but also communication. Gradually on the horizon dissolve friendly gatherings with friends, trips on the barbecue in the may holidays, feasts about birthdays, New year, etc. Of fun Compagnie person slimming woman becomes nervous and emaciated shrew, preoccupied only one – movement arrows of weights.
What happened to the joy of the acquisition of jeans for three size less than or delight of trying on her school’s wardrobe? Disappeared together with the deceased kilograms. And the lady is sad. And seek it has nowhere to go, and why, indeed? Treatment of this kind of depression in some cases is delayed for years – first, the advice of friends and relatives, then visits to the psychologist, later – clinic treatment neuroses. Because digestive problems require special, ad hoc adjustments, not related to the treatment of mental state. Whether the coveted weight loss of health?
Any diet for slimming can be a temporary measure – achieving ideal forms for you, stop. Try to stay on the reached. Look in the direction of the fitness, Hiking, changes in lifestyles in General. Move more, walk with children, get a dog, buy a cottage, a loan in the pool – a break from the refrigerator. The human body is able to get used to many States and, in particular, to do without abundant and frequent meals. Well, if you really did not get to eat less – love myself as a whole, with all folds and splendor.

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