середа, 12 березня 2014 р.

Blueberry days and nights

Summer is the time for fresh fruits and vegetables. They can be eaten straight from the garden or Bush, and buy fresh on the market and use for different purposes. Do not let the opportunity to pamper yourself with fresh vitaminka. Incidentally, such a wonderful berry as blueberries, is one of the most useful, but rarely used in cosmetology, in comparison with many other berries. Restore injustice, learn about blueberries more!
Bilberry is rich in vitamins and trace elements, many of which are indispensable for the human body. That it is useful to view you certainly know, but it’s not all! In this berry great content of manganese, which participates in hematopoiesis. Therefore blueberries useful in the period of anemia and anemia, as well as to women during menstruation and menopause.
The dark color of the berries and leaves due to the high content of tannins. Therefore, the bilberry has a good astringent action. It can be used as a mask for problem and oily skin, it tightens pores and enriches the upper layers of the epidermis nutrients and vitamins. Only if you decide to do such a mask of fresh berries, bear in mind that the pigment some time holds on skin better not to experiment before a date or going to the theatre. The same tannins help in disorders of the intestine, heal wounds and sores on the skin. For reception of medicinal purposes it is better to use a decoction of the leaves of the blueberry, as it contains less sugars and acids, which may have inflamed bodies irritating effect.
In the leaves of the blueberry contains substances that reduce the level of sugar in the blood, as well as having a tonic and a diuretic. In addition, scientists have found that regular use decoction of the leaves and fruits blueberries may reduce the risk of cancer.
If you want to save youth and beauty, use these wonderful berries as food. Their use lies in the fact that the substances contained in blueberries, contribute to the restoration of cells. The cells of the body are recovered, and therefore slower age. Metabolic processes are faster and more you see result and feel better. In addition, due to the anti-inflammatory effects, bilberry juice, it can be used as a tasty remedy for sore throat and sore throats, and inflammation of the gums to adults and, of course, children.
So, if you still don’t eat this magical berry, make sure to start doing it! Besides its obvious benefits and the almost complete absence of contraindications, she is also incredibly tasty. And use it in the food can be many and with great pleasure. Do not miss the opportunity to use the natural medicine and you will feel how great it is!

Night work harm the stomach?

There are people who have to work at night. Are the doctors and policemen, security guards and managers, drivers, or just those who after the main work sits down at a computer for the night job. However, if this situation lasts for years, can lead to irreparable harm for health, because night schedule is harmful.
If a person instead of to sleep, sitting up late, he shoots down their biological clock and at risk of getting various kinds of disorders. For example, under 20 years of research of scientists from Harvard University, night work leads to cancer of the colon. This is because of working the night shift people reduce contents the hormone melatonin. Normally it is more just in the middle of the night, but if the light turns on, the level of melatonin decreases. If not sleeping regularly, melatonin is becoming less and less. Scientists have suggested that it is melatonin inhibits the development of tumors.
Canadian organization Statistics Canada examined the working day and night, and stressful factors each of the groups. It is established that those who worked at night, often complained of stress and trouble, and this is a direct path to a stomach ulcer.
Physicians believe that lack of night’s sleep cannot compensate relaxing day. Because human biorhythms – thing constant and unshakeable, they are not rebuilt even during the long years of night work. It is believed that the most harmful thing – a multiweek night work, not striped schedule a night-day. Therefore, to maintain better health from night work opt out or a few months change night schedule for day to body could relax.

Healthy food that is preventing weight

Those who wants to lose weight, usually try to eat healthy food in between the diets. Sometimes, however, the extra pounds they continue to appear. Why, if you give up sweets and pastries, smoked meat and fat? The fact that harm the figure can even the most healthy food, if not observe a sense of proportion. Below is a list of useful products, which do not abuse it, if you want to lose weight.
He may be the enemy of your body, if it includes all kinds of nuts, crackers, toast, and sour cream or mayonnaise. Well, favorite salads Olivier, with crab sticks is a direct path to excess weight. Afford can only fresh vegetables and greased need balsamic sauce or olive oil.
It is considered that is the dish is ideal for those wishing to lose weight but rice, seaweed and seafood. But in the depths of sushi and rolls hidden fat cheese «Philadelphia», and sometimes mayonnaise. Japanese tempura, too, is excluded from the list, they are prepared in a batter and fried in deep fat, and this is the extra calories. Soy cheese tofu is also not for those who want to lose weight. He is not very high in calories, but before feeding it usually roast in a calorie sauces.
They. of course useful, but very high in calories. Especially cereals: they’re full of carbohydrates. Muesli, crunchy, and whole-grain mixture is also not welcome in large quantities, because of their often fried in oil. See package, how many calories contains in 100 g of product, not to eat for Breakfast half of daily calories with one small pialki with granola.
Dried fruits
Dried fruits are much more calories than their fresh counterparts. Cup of dried fruit in 5 times richer in calories than the same amount of ordinary fruit. In addition, in dried fruits very much sugar. So use them it is necessary cautiously and gradually.
Wholegrain bread
Bread with bran, whole-grain cereals, certainly the best choice compared with conventional baking or white bread. But in this bread is also a lot of carbohydrates and oil. So you should not have it in large quantities.
Tea in bottles
This drink at all cannot be attributed to a healthy products. Because it contains a lot of sugar or artificial sweeteners. So better independently brew tasty tea
In half a liter of juice carbohydrates as much as 5 pieces of bread. Therefore, it is better to eat organic fruits and drink water.

Organic products: day fashion or health?

Organic foods – which we will hear more and more often. From Europe and the USA, the fashion for natural products came to Russia. Should such food on 40-5-percent more than regular, its ingredients are grown in small-scale farms. Natural products enjoy great popularity. It is considered, what is a healthy diet will help to maintain health and prolong life. But whether organic food is a tribute health? Maybe it is just a fashion trend?
To product was considered to be organic, it must be created from organic raw materials, organic ingredients and with special technological process. For example, in Europe to create environmentally friendly products resort to such an extent: prohibit make the land of fresh manure in less than 4 months before the harvest, if the crop can get in touch with the soil.
In addition, livestock do not apply hormonal growth stimulants and other veterinary drugs feed , with the remnants of dung and urine side products slaughtering of animals and birds. Well as for organic food, there is a taboo on genetic modification.
Organic products there are quite difficult to produce. But all used for their manufacture ingredients should be made only of natural raw materials without application of synthetic and artificial additives.
Market for organic products are developed to the best in US. There is a special trading network where you can buy any organic food. In Russia the production of such food still in their infancy. We do not have agriculture and livestock, which meets the strict organic standards. Therefore, almost all organic food products in our country is of foreign origin and are sold mainly in Moscow, in the big hypermarkets.
The expediency of purchase of organic food each independently. On the one hand, the number of its adherents are growing. With another – there are data Dutch researchers, talking about the fact that the composition of organic products do not differ from the ordinary, although much more expensive.

Diet without sport work?

Among the great variety of wanting to get rid of excess weight, the vast majority of attempts to achieve the objective of the shortest and the most painless way, fascinated with newfangled diets and supposedly magical weight loss supplements. And the question of whether to combine diet with sports, still remains open.
After all, for someone to sit on a diet and even if not particularly active lifestyle lose a couple of extra pounds is quite real, and for others it will require intense and regular exercise. In a word, the way to achieve the effect in this case is individual, that is explained by simple logic.
However, trying to lose weight, too much rely only on the system power not because the diet without sport, and it may be useless, and in the best case will be pleased with positive, but not so substantial shifts. Although, if a person, who prefers to sit on a diet, consider them for yourself satisfactory, we can say that lessons sports in this case were not absolutely necessary.
But indispensable exercise are for people who intend to get rid of considerable weight. Sport activities in this case are designed to not only burn calories, but also bring the body losing weight, you are in order – tighten sag skin eliminate laxity and sagging skin, improve the overall tone and feel.
The harmonious combination of the power system of health-improving physical training can be called perfect and most natural way to struggle with excess weight. Therefore, tips, professional-dietitians should only be performed in combination with the recommendations of the fitness trainers.

Diet Claudia Schiffer

Who among us has not admired the beauty and harmony, perhaps, the most famous model, and recently and actress Claudia Schiffer. However, such an ideal form does not privilege of the chosen ones, and the result of the hard and laborious work. 
First of all, it is quite simple and consists of quite available, easily replaced products. But most importantly, this diet for slimming very effective – allows you to reset the five days prior to 3 kg of weight and got the name «diet 5+».
The effect is achieved due to low calorie a day diet, not more than 1200 calories, which is the minimum for a person.
Looks like diet Claudia Schiffer?
- Breakfast: 250mg any of crushed fruit (excluding grapes and bananas) to mix with ν 1st. spoon sprouted grains. For example, wheat or barley. Fill ν 1st. a spoonful of yogurt. You can drink a Cup of green tea without sugar.
Second Breakfast: half a Cup of yogurt mixed with 100 ml of juice.
- Lunch: vegetable stew consisting of 1 carrot, cauliflower, 1 tablespoons of canned peas, sweet pepper, celery, parsley and one bulbs seasoning sauce. Sauce prepared from a half a Cup of sour cream, olive oil and a teaspoon of lemon juice.
- Afternoon snack: 150 g boiled chicken meat and slice of bread with bran.
- Dinner: cook pilaf with 150 g of rice, 1 Apple, and 100g of any berries or fruit.
In any quantities allowed to drink water, because due to saturation of the diet of fruits and vegetables, excess fluid is excreted rapidly from the body.
Such a diet should follow the 5 days, on the 6th day, you can eat your favorite foods, but not later than 16-00.
Experts believe that this diet for slimming sufficiently balanced, rich in essential trace elements, proteins. However, it is extreme, since the use of a day not more than 1200 kcal may cause harm health. Therefore, before going on such power, it is recommended to fully explore your body and consult a nutritionist.

3 reasons why weight stands still

You have made the decision to part with the extra kilos. Keep a strict diet, go to gym and swimming pool, parted with harmful habits (Smoking, strong coffee, alcohol). So the week, another month, and the figure on the scales of the former. Pounds are gone! You in despair. At your wit’s end. Shake the wretched scales (broken?) and wonder. As a rule, the reasons for such a situation, only three.
1. Mismatch calorie intake and calorie expenditure. The first exceeds second. If you are not an expert in matters of power and physical activity, to understand this, you will be hard. But you can. Start a journal, carefully write in it every food you within a day. Do not forget to fix even light snacks, and meals can be considered funny. Meanwhile, in 100 grams of harmless nuts or seeds it contains 500 kcal, which makes up a quarter (!) daily calories.
Write in a diary will help you to see your mistakes and flaws in the diet, the saturation process will be controlled and conscious, i.e. you start to think not only over what you eat, but over the fact why you eat.
If you go to the gym, then ask the trainer what exercises how many calories are burned. By the way, most of the latest exercise equipment is equipped with sensors that can detect settings during training time, speed, load and etc, including the amount of calories burnt. All measures are put in the diary. At the end of each day lead calculations, compare, evaluate and adjust accordingly diet and workout the next day.
2. Fat is consumed (burned), but it increases muscle mass. That is your volume decrease, that you pleases, but the weight is in place, and you don’t like it. Lose fat, but increasing muscle mass the fascination with lessons on power trainers and tonicity tables. The last really love a woman, because training on them such sparing and pleasant! ‘t have to strain and bring themselves to exhaustion and hatred of the equipment, everything is done easily and naturally, in the absence of load on cardiovascular system and spine. To and fat, and muscle mass was spent evenly, it is necessary to alternate active and intensive training with massage and peaceful exercises.
In the gym don’t ignore cardio these magnificent burners fat. Treadmill, stepper, stationary bike – this is what you need.
By the way, think of it, so if you have an index of weight. After all, if the volume of melt waist becomes a wasp, and slender hips, isn’t this what you want? Besides strong toned muscles is great. And weight… Yes God is with him, let him remain, of course, if you don’t athlete and not rushes to the achievement of world records. Think of.
3. Monotony methods slimming. Maybe you in the first days diet sports and lose weight, but suddenly everything fell. Weight froze on the same mark. First, keep in mind that maybe you have reached his normal weight (with the growth and age), and your intelligent body knew it. And, secondly, to analyze the content to your diet and complex exercise. Probably need to change something. For example, the pattern of consumption of calories (say, one day 1000 kcal, and the next 1900 kcal and so alternate), the number of meals (not 4, and 6), the ratio of nutrients (for example, reduce the carbohydrates and increase proteins).
Changes need to touch and physical activity. Adjust priorities in the gym, let your coach will pick up for you a new complex of exercises. The matter is that our muscles get used to the same strain, so the effect, observed in the beginning may decrease substantially.
By the way, look, whether you stand on the scales. You’ll find this amusing, sometimes it was the poor weighting is the cause of «nondecreasing» weight. Weigh on the same scale and in the same time. Better in the morning on an empty stomach after using the toilet and without service. Scales should stand on a flat, hard surface. Set on a carpet or a doormat, they «lie».