середа, 12 березня 2014 р.

Blueberry days and nights

Summer is the time for fresh fruits and vegetables. They can be eaten straight from the garden or Bush, and buy fresh on the market and use for different purposes. Do not let the opportunity to pamper yourself with fresh vitaminka. Incidentally, such a wonderful berry as blueberries, is one of the most useful, but rarely used in cosmetology, in comparison with many other berries. Restore injustice, learn about blueberries more!
Bilberry is rich in vitamins and trace elements, many of which are indispensable for the human body. That it is useful to view you certainly know, but it’s not all! In this berry great content of manganese, which participates in hematopoiesis. Therefore blueberries useful in the period of anemia and anemia, as well as to women during menstruation and menopause.
The dark color of the berries and leaves due to the high content of tannins. Therefore, the bilberry has a good astringent action. It can be used as a mask for problem and oily skin, it tightens pores and enriches the upper layers of the epidermis nutrients and vitamins. Only if you decide to do such a mask of fresh berries, bear in mind that the pigment some time holds on skin better not to experiment before a date or going to the theatre. The same tannins help in disorders of the intestine, heal wounds and sores on the skin. For reception of medicinal purposes it is better to use a decoction of the leaves of the blueberry, as it contains less sugars and acids, which may have inflamed bodies irritating effect.
In the leaves of the blueberry contains substances that reduce the level of sugar in the blood, as well as having a tonic and a diuretic. In addition, scientists have found that regular use decoction of the leaves and fruits blueberries may reduce the risk of cancer.
If you want to save youth and beauty, use these wonderful berries as food. Their use lies in the fact that the substances contained in blueberries, contribute to the restoration of cells. The cells of the body are recovered, and therefore slower age. Metabolic processes are faster and more you see result and feel better. In addition, due to the anti-inflammatory effects, bilberry juice, it can be used as a tasty remedy for sore throat and sore throats, and inflammation of the gums to adults and, of course, children.
So, if you still don’t eat this magical berry, make sure to start doing it! Besides its obvious benefits and the almost complete absence of contraindications, she is also incredibly tasty. And use it in the food can be many and with great pleasure. Do not miss the opportunity to use the natural medicine and you will feel how great it is!

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